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Fortbildung im Detail


R04877: Interact
Advanced Practical approaches to arts-based foreign language education with InterACT English
vom 28.05.2024 bis 29.05.2024Anmeldeschluss: 30.04.2024

  • dummy
Ansprechpartner inhaltlich:
Paape, Katrin; +49 (351) 84 39 839
Ansprechpartner organisatorisch:
Rogge, Maria; +49 3521 41 2722
Zentraler E-Mail Zugang für Fragen und Probleme:
Aktion wählen


Developing on from the introductory course, participants on this advanced course will be invited to further deepen their practical understanding of how to best motivate students to interact and learn through immersive, creative language techniques through reflection on their own practice and experience. New approaches to exploring language using body and voice will be introduced (with a specific focus on construction of performative outcomes) and participants will be invited to develop and explore creative methodologies of their own and put them into practice.

What is arts-integration?

There is a growing body of research which demonstrates that language acquisition is as much a physical act as it is a cognitive one. Learning a language is connected to the body as well as to the emotions. By combining kinesthetic learning approaches with cognitive exercises, unique situations and contexts can be created for students. They will be able to link the language they learn to the world around them in new and exciting ways. Simultaneously, arts centered programmes allow students to develop competencies in the areas of team collaboration, creativity, problem solving, improvisation and listening. This advanced workshop (suitable for but not exclusively aimed at those who have already attended the introductory course) will explore further creative approaches to EFL instruction with a deeper emphasis on the creativity and agency of the teacher in devising and implementing their own arts-based ideas and methodologies to utilize in the EFL classroom.


Participants will deepen their understanding of a performative approach to teaching and learning foreign languages. They will refresh their understanding of a variety of useful and practical exercises for their classroom. The workshop will then encourage participants to discuss materials, generate activities and implement their own ideas for arts-integrated lessons building on their own experiences in their classrooms.


· Communicative / Embodied Approach to learning

· · Theatre Games

· · Practical exercises to build student confidence in speaking

· Adaptable Creative Frameworks and lesson

· Arts-Integration in EFL

· Developing the confidence, creativity and agency of the teacher to run their own creative sessions with performative outcomes.


Lehrkräfte im Fach Englisch an Grundschulen, Oberschulen, Förderschulen, Gymnasien und berufsbildenden Schulen


Diese Fortbildung ist der Ersatztermin des ausgefallenen Aufbaukurses im Januar 2024.

Voraussetzung ist die Teilnahme am Grundkurs R04043 im Dezember 2023.


am von bis
28.05.2024 10:00 18:00
29.05.2024 09:00 16:00




Name von
Karafistan Dr., Rachel InterACT, Berlin


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