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Experts and educators will look at the results of the U.S. presidential elections and explore ways to use that information in classrooms. We will discuss different factors leading up to the election and how these may have affected the outcome as well as the impact the election results will have on the country and the world.
Participants will leave with practical strategies for handling the topic of the U.S. political systems as well as related issues such as fake news and artificial intelligence.
Participants will gain a detailed understanding of the U.S. presidential election results and how the electoral college and popular vote function within the U.S. political system.
Participants will learn about additional factors that can influence U.S. elections such as fake news, media, etc.
Participants will be able to transfer the information to the classroom.
Participants will receive a resource handout to aid in lesson-planning.
· U.S. elections 2024 and their impact on the country
· Role of fake news, media, etc.
· Teacher resources to aid in lessons
Lehrkräfte im Fachbereich Englisch an Oberschulen, Gymnasien und Berufsschulen
Die Veranstaltung findet in der Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig (American Space) Beethovenstraße 6, 04107 Leipzig in Kooperation mit dem Deutsch-Amerikanischen Institut Sachsen e.V. und American Space Leipzig statt.
The workshop will be run in English.
am | von | bis |
13.11.2024 | 09:30 | 15:00 |
Name | von |
Larson Bautze, Erica | k.A., Leipzig |