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R05044: Englisch Sekundarstufe 1
A brief A to Z of media tools for the EFL Classroom
am 10.09.2024Anmeldeschluss: 13.08.2024

  • dummy
Ansprechpartner inhaltlich:
Paape, Katrin; +49 (351) 84 39 839
Ansprechpartner organisatorisch:
Rogge, Maria; +49 3521 41 2722
Zentraler E-Mail Zugang für Fragen und Probleme:
Aktion wählen


From Bouncy Balls to Wheeldecide, from Animoto to Voki, this workshop is designed to allow you to explore a range of ideas for working with both inside and outside the foreign language classroom. On the one hand, you will receive an overview of tools currently available for supporting English language learning, with the opportunity to try out some in order to explore their pros and cons. On the other, you will be invited to share your own personal recommendations based on your own experience.


Participants will become familiar with a variety of media tools which can be used both inside and outside the English Language Classroom

They will experience a variety of useful and practical applications for a range of purposes in their classrooms (e.g. classroom management, collaboration, language practice as well as creating pupil products)

The workshop will encourage participants to discuss the pros and cons of presented applications and generate their own ideas for how to use them to support learning both inside and outside the language classroom

Participants will be able to share their own recommendations for working with tools to support English language learning with the help of examples from their own teaching experience.


· An overview of a range of media tools for the EFL classroom

· A closer look at a selection of these tools for the purposes of critical inspection

· A pooling together of recommended uses of media tools based on the experience and examples of workshop participants


English teachers at Oberschulen, Förderschulen, Gymnasien and berufsbildenden Schulen


Participants are encouraged to bring along their own suggestions for working with media tools in the classroom supported by examples from their own teaching experience. Also make sure to have a digital device with wifi-access (ideally a tablet or laptop).

Vorrangig werden die Teilnehmer*innen des ausgefallenen Kurses R04591 berücksichtig.


am von bis
10.09.2024 09:00 16:00




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